I had a horrible dream last night, and woke up dripping sweat, although really I should say I was woken up dripping sweat, since despite my dream terror, I was really awful to Shane when he tried to wake me up.
I started knitting a little tiny turtle for my grandma, because although I was going to make her a bookmark, I was in a bad mood while I was making it and didn't like anything I was creating. The turtle is very quick and fun, so I figured I would enjoy that more for now. It only takes a few yards of yarn to make.
Okay, here are my wishes/resolutions for 2009:
- Keep blogging, even if my theme is dumb
- Get all As winter and spring quarter
- Apply to UW
- Make patterns and at least try selling some of my knitting/crafts
- Keep a date book or calendar of some sort
- Do dishes regularly (Which should be easier when we get rid of all the dishes we have that don't match. We have a set of dishes my mom gave us that all match, and about the same in dishes we bought from Goodwill. Since we have so many, it's that much easier to put off doing dishes, since we can have piles of dishes all over the counter and still have clean dishes in the cupboard.)
- Keep up reading novels even while I'm in school
- Quit smoking, maybe
- Spend more time with my family
- Stop spending money frivolously
- Enjoy each moment
- Turn in library books on time
- Take my pills every day
- Stop picking at my zits
- Move into an apartment with a dishwasher
- Get all achievements on Gears of War 2 and Fallout 3
- Let my brother spend the night more often
- Keep a clean house
We're due at Tas and Teresa's for new year's games, so I suppose I'd better jump into the shower.
P.S. I tried the rice bag my mom gave me. You heat it up in the microwave and then put it wherever you hurt, but unfortunately it's heavy and constricting and although the heat feels good, it isn't good enough to counteract the above that makes my neck hurt worse. Poop.
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